Thursday, August 2, 2007

Mr(s) ??? for President, 2008

Here are the Democratic President Candidates I would support.

N.Y. Senator Hillary Clinton, D, 59 y.o.
She believes in:
Universal Healthcare. (agree)
Pathway to Citizenship (agree)
Opposed to abortion, but is pro-choice (agree)
Death Penalty (sweet.)
Prayer in school (agree)
Stem Cell research (good.)

Danny M Frances, Teacher, D, 66 y.o.
This dude has my vote.
Seriously. Graduated high school. Went to Vietnam. 3 times. Got shot several times. Went back for more. Finished up and decided to teach. Speaks 3 languages.

I have more respect for Danny Frances than General Wesley Clark, only because of where he was during the war. In the action... not in an office. We need a President with a big set of balls. Sorry Hillary. Your balls are tiny in comparison.

Not only can this guy lead us in war, but can teach our children.
He may not be a genius, but he definitely has good, solid core values.
He may not be a lawyer or a doctor, but he's a true man.
Not afraid to die for his country. Not afraid to take on the responsibility for teaching our children.


Please. I honestly believe that this country needs a President just like you.