Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My very own...

Tonight, I spend time with my very own. I've learned the value of "me" time and am quite excited about it. After the park and a possible float in the pool (if the water is warm enough), Monkey and I are going home and spending some much needed quality time together. I do miss her. I was unfortunately not able to take her with me this weekend, but Daniela was more than kind enough to take her so I could go. Candyland or Chutes and Ladders. That's the decision she needs to make tonight. No television. Her favorite food (chicken nuggets, french fries, and chocolate pudding with sprinkles), a bath, and then a game and story before bed. Then I sit on my porch and read, talk to friends, or do whatever. At least until I'm out of cigarettes, or tired. Whichever comes first.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Nothing like welcoming the spray of saltwater, the hot sun, the perfect breeze, a few great friends, and the long missed feeling of contentment. I needed this vacation; this getaway from the tragedy of this last month.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Who knew....

Daniela (Emma's mother) and I told Emma last night that Max, our dog, had passed away. We drove to Daniela's work and waited outside on a bench for her to finish up... well, more like I waited on a bench while Emma played with some kids that she had met less than 2 minutes from us getting there. We sat her down on the bench and I explained how every morning Max and Rusty get fed, but this morning, only Rusty got fed because Max's body stopped working and he went to sleep forever. She understood what I was saying, and was of course saddened, but didn't skip a beat. She asked how soon until she got another dog. God I love her.
On a separate note, I got a call from Daniela last night. The other dog, Rusty, did not take things so well. He spent most of the night baying and whimpering (something he has never done before) because his little buddy was not with him. At least, that's the only thing we could think of as to why he was so vocal. No matter how much they fought and ignored each other, there must have been a love between the two of them that only they knew. Who knew dogs have love/hate relationships as well...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


My dog passed away this morning. It was perhaps one of the most difficult things I have ever had to go through alone, which is interesting to say, especially with the last 3 weeks being utter torture. He was a 9 year old, 22 lb. Eskimo dog, with white fur, and a flowing white mane. He loved children, especially Emma. I don't know why he died. I hope to find out today, as I had to take him to the Rollins Necropsy Clinic in Raleigh this morning.

Tonight is the hard part. How to tell your daughter that her dog is dead.