Monday, July 25, 2005


i have staticky hair when it's cold out. So why, on this hot, humid day does my hair decide to be a bastard? i used to think it was me. then I found out it's not. i picked up my daughter from big school to find she had the same problem. Emma. Emma is cute with staticky hair. I found a dryer sheet in my clothes hamper that was sitting in my front seat and rubbed it on her head. I heard that it works. Her hair smells like a springtime breeze now. it's still staticky, but not as much. I tried it too. Same. Springtime breeze and semi-staticky.
i had a nice weekend. emma and i drew pictures with her crayons. she drew a pig and a rabbit. I drank wine. I drink wine every night. Just a glass, though. Unless i have company or i go somewhere. I kept emma up past her bedtime on Friday. she normally goes to bed at 8. She went to bed at 9. She sang until 10. I love my emma. I call her monkey. I call everything monkey. Everything smaller than me, at least.

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