Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Despite getting 8 hours of sleep for 2 nights in a row, I am still too tired. At least the bags that have camped out under my eyes have decided to pack up and leave...wake me up in a few months.
I had an interview today...a phone interview. It went extremely well. I called a plethora of contacts this morning to ask what to expect, and with that info, I started to answer the questions of what to expect. Wrote it all on one sheet of paper. Then, when asked during my interview, I could spew out the answer by reading what I had previously written. Would you believe that ALL the questions my friends told me to expect were asked during my interview? Even Noah couldn't have planned better..
It's hot outside. My a/c is broken. At least July will be over soon, which means that at least we're closer to comfortable temperatures than before. I decided to wear black to work today. Yes, it was short-sleeved....but black? with a heat index of 1 Billion? I'm a dolt. Tomorrow I wear my cargo shorts and a wife beater. Sure, I may be asked to go home and change...but that's not a bad price to pay for a short moment of comfort.
Tonight, I drink wine with my friend, Shell. She loves wine almost as much as me....maybe more. We met for a midday iced coffee extravaganza yesterday. She called me crabby. I was, but not now. I internalize alot. Today, I internalized my fear of interviews. For once, I choose to leave my personal life indecisions alone. It's nice.

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