Friday, June 2, 2006

This Weekend

OK. So I discovered the key to smoking ALOT less. It's called Natural American Spirit Tobacco. and no stress.... and being busy... but now we are getting away from the true message here. American Spirit. Winston cigarettes post on the box that they contain no additives. 100o additives. But they are forgetting one. The one that makes it burn much faster than plain cured tobacco. But not American Spirit. Oh no. It generally takes me about 4-5 minutes to smoke 1 Winston (or Camel, because it's the best fucking cigarette on the planet). It takes me almost 15 minutes to smoke an American Spirit. Not to mention the fact that I feel better when I smoke American Spirit. And they are delicious. Yes, delicious. I smoke 2 packs of Camel cigarettes daily. However, I only smoke 1/2 pack of American Spirit. Just what I need to tone down the nicotine before quitting, which happens soon. How soon? This weekend... hence, the subject of this blog. Oh. And we are going on a trip to the mountains this weekend! It's supposed to be very nice ...

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